Duncan Butler affiliated in 1989 as a Golf Professional at PGA of Canada. He now works at Markham Golf Dome, Markham, CA as a Manager and facilities promoter. We sat down to talk about his career and journey in the golf industry.
Mr. Duncan, as you may know, Luiz Martins, who for more than 20 years played the Brazilian tour, the South American tour, the Asian tour and the European tour, founder of the Brazilian Federation of Golf Teachers and the PGA South American, was president of the PGA do Brazil for 10 years, he founded the school for professionals in 1997, created BRATOUR (circuit for professionals and juniors in 1997), created BOLTOUR in Bolivia (circuit for professionals and juniors). In 2000, he founded his own LM Golf School in Brazil currently with branches and representatives in England, Indonesia, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Argentina. Coach Luiz, now based in Canada, expressed the pleasure of working with you at the Dome. Coach Luiz is proud to have your consideration and assistance in matters relating to the location and golf instruction. That's why we're here to interview you and get to know a little bit about this great Canadian professional named Duncan Butler.
LMGS --- Could you tell us how many years you work for golf?
DUNCAN --- It’s a great honour to know Coach Luiz a pleasure to talk to you. Thank you for having me. I have been in the golf industry for over 3 decades and have played golf since I was a young boy. Golf has played a big part in making me who I am.
LMGS --- What is a typical day in your job like?
DUNCAN --- It might be easier to ask what I don’t do! Without going into detail, I’ll just say that I spend a lot of time at the counter serving customers, answering questions and sometimes even discussing golf! I also perform administrative tasks, facilities and operations management, as well as sales, advertising and marketing. In addition, I teach golf! If there is a job to be done, it’s in my job description.
LMGS --- What inspired you to become a Professional Golf and facilities promoter?
DUNCAN --- Great question and pretty easy to answer! My love of the game of golf and people. No matter how good a person may be at playing golf, what keeps us all coming back is our friendships. Honestly, it really doesn’t get much better than that. Who wouldn’t want to work in golf?!
LMGS --- Where did you complete your certification? How did these experiences prepare you for work in your field?
DUNCAN --- I completed my PGA certification in the Ontario PGA Zone while working at a private golf club nearby. That job allowed me to experience the broad range of duties I might
expect in the industry as well as have a good look at the role of a golf professional. The PGA of Canada’s program ensured that well-prepared PGA candidates would be qualified to work and manage in any number of roles in the golf industry. Sure enough, there are so many jobs that need to be done in golf that gaining a broad perspective is important. I have since worked at other facilities, both public and private, in a succession of roles. Depending on the facility, some of the jobs have been very specialized while at others the responsibilities have been very broad. One of the things I enjoy about my current role is that no two days are the same due to the broad range of duties.
LMGS --- What was your favorite experience as a PGA Golf Professional?
DUNCAN --- There are so many. If I have to pick one, it is the time I spent with Moe Norman who was a PGA member of worldwide acclaim. Rather than tell my stories, I would encourage anyone to Google his name. While I will point out I did not adopt his golf methodology in its entirety – and that was not the point of my relationship with him specifically – I will say unequivocally that he was a genuine role model to me who changed the way I look at myself and at the world, well beyond the prism of golf.
LMGS --- What is the worst and best period of the golf season?
DUNCAN --- Well, in Canada we have very cold winters so the period leading toward the end of any golf season brings with it mixed emotions. On the one hand, it can be very busy as golfers get in their last games before winter sets in. On the other hand, the business has to be wound down before gearing up for the next golf season. As a result, I’d have to say the best period is any time the doors are open and the skies are blue! The worst? I guess it would have to be the arrival of winter. That said, Markham Golf Dome is open year-round as it has both indoor and outdoor practice facilities so, in that sense, it has to be one of the best places to work in golf in Canada.
LMGS --- What did you do to become a highly regarded and respected professional?
DUNCAN --- As much as I am passionate about the game, I guess it’s my obsession with seeing people succeed in ways important to them that drives me. If there is anything I can do to help people enjoy their visits to Markham Golf Dome, for instance, count me in. If there is anything that is getting in the way of someone’s happiness, count me in again to try to help the situation! If customers are enjoying their visits, the business should do well and, if I am held in any regard, I suppose those successes reflect on the staff and on me.
LMGS --- Coach Luiz commented that at the Dome they are all excellent professionals and that you manage very well a harmonious relationship between everyone. How would it be?
DUNCAN --- I look at the big picture. For the business to succeed, the staff have to succeed, as do the customers. As a result, if I see the potential for conflict, I try to understand the cause and then navigate a course so positive outcomes are achieved. It’s important to me as a person; I believe that on-going awareness brings benefits to the facility in exactly the way you mention: harmonious relationships.
LMGS --- How is the relationship between the golf professional and the PGA of Canada?
DUNCAN --- As with any organization with a broad range of members, I am sure there are almost as many answers to that as there are members! I think it’s fair to say that the PGA of Canada has a strong commitment to promoting the role of its members in the golf industry in Canada. By the same token, the PGA partners with other golf bodies both in Canada and worldwide to ensure all members and industry partners are working toward mutually beneficial goals which are ultimately designed to help the game of golf prosper. In that sense, along with the range of supports the organization offers its members, the relationship can only be viewed as very positive.
LMGS --- We would like to know if there is a sporting technical relationship and ties of friendship and partnership between the PGA of Canada and the Federation of Amateurs of the country?
DUNCAN --- The PGA of Canada has close relationships with all amateur golf bodies in Canada. PGA members actively coach many of the many aspiring young golfers as well as adult athletes, both professional and amateur in a variety of settings, from the youngest to aspiring juniors, university and college players as well as male and female amateurs and professionals. The PGA of Canada has worked hard to and is fortunate to be recognized as a leader in the development of golfers across Canada.
LMGS --- In your opinion, the PGA exists because of the professionals or the professional exists because of the PGA?
DUNCAN --- There is no doubt that the association came about because of professionals in order to help professionals. Mentoring and golf go back a long way.
LMGS --- How is the relationship of PGA professionals with clubs and academies in Canada?
DUNCAN --- PGA members hold a range of positions in clubs and academies across Canada, from teaching to golf operations through to facility management. As a professional, I am encouraged by the success I see among my peers. As a golfer, I trust my peers to do what is best for the game which means doing our best for golfers. The relationship between professionals and all other entities (academies, clubs, golf associations) is built on mutual benefit and respect.
LMGS --- Is there a relationship of partnership and friendship between the Federation of Amateurs and the PGA of Canada or does each pull to one side trying to make individual efforts to the detriment of the growth of golf?
DUNCAN ---I can safely say that all federations and factions work together to support the game and each other. All groups recognize the many benefits associated with the game (social, physical, developmental, etc.) and work together to serve the Canadian golf community.
LMGS --- Coach Luiz commented that the Dome had an upgrade after you arrived and started working with the owner of the Dome, Mr. Gerard (a person he admires and respects for having given him the opportunity when he arrived in Canada), which you do you think that?
DUNCAN --- Coach Luiz is very observant! I laugh saying that, of course, and I am flattered by the question! I know the Dome was on the right track before I was invited to join the team. That said, because I am involved in the day-to-day activities, I have many opportunities to put forward a customer-first approach. I see the great work my colleagues do so the good outcomes we achieve are the result of a team effort.
LMGS --- What are your plans for 5 years from now?
DUNCAN --- Five years from now, I would like to have more opportunity to be playing the game of golf while still finding ways, wherever I may be found in golf, to deliver great golf experiences to the many people who share my enthusiasm for the game, people who may be customers but feel more often than not feel like friends.
LMGS --- What’s the best piece of advice you could give current newly trained professionals?
DUNCAN --- Wow! That’s a big question! Aside from being knowledgeable and developing one’s skills related to golf, become competent in business and communication skills, learn what your constituents (golfers, colleagues, management, facility owners) want and then determine how best to give them what they want. That last part is what is most important; the other pieces prepare you to deliver on it. Combined with a sense of purpose, I think it’s a good starting point to work in the golf industry not only for the success of the facility but also for one’s own happiness and sense of satisfaction.
LMGS --- Do you think about visiting Brazil someday?
DUNCAN --- Who wouldn’t! Coach Luiz is not only an excellent player and coach but also an excellent ambassador for the game of golf as well as for his home country of Brazil. I would very much like to see what golf looks like in Brazil as well as explore the vast beauty and uniqueness of your incredible country!
LMGS --- Thank you for your kind attention and time.
DUNCAN --- You are very welcome, Mr. Renilson! I appreciate the opportunity to share and you asked some very thought-provoking questions!
Renilson Ferreira
Press Coordinator
Categories: Golf Professionals, Golf Felicities Managers and promoters
Tags: Golf Federations, Professionals Golf Associations, PGA Golf Management, Sports Management
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