Was crowned of success on a beautiful Sunday of golf in Rolling Hills - Bethesda Grange Golf Club.
LM Goof School Junior & Kids Field Day Golf Tournament, established in 2000, is the longest standing athletes event at the school. Athletes, faculty, parents, friends,
guests and sponsors have gather on course for a day of fun on the last Sunday of september.
All proceeds from Field Day Golf Tournament benefit need-based prepare
and develop programs that directly enhance the educational experience for all kids and juniors. This year we are excited to bring back some of our favorite events in a safe environment.
Stay tuned!
Congratulations to all the top finishers at this weekend’s LMGS Junior & Kids Golf tournament at Rolling Hills - Bethesda Golf Club.
Boys 16-19yo: Aidan Dhalla (79)
Girls 13-15yo: Victoria Flavius (84)
Boys 13-15yo: Lucas Miyasaki (79)
Girls 10-12yo: Miley Li (85)
Boys 10-12yo: Ethan Kong (77)
Girls 8-9yo: Emma Valdez (51)
Boys 8-9yo: Sam Voguel (51)
Girls 0-7yo: Morgan Li (31)
Boys 0-7yo: Aidan Zhu (44) Bethesda Grange Golf Club showed during this Sunday all its potential as to celebrate the Field Day Junior & Kids, marking two winners of 5 categories. An internal event that serves to prepare our athletes for different external tournaments that are played in different formats. A delivery of two prizes will be held in a bid no later than next October when the date and time will be announced.
"By Frank Valdez, Communications Manager of the LMGS, it is a real honor to have been a participant, one more year, in an appointment of the importance of Kids & Juniors, which makes us a benchmark Golf School worldwide", he remarked, while adding that they do so "with a view to the long-awaited dream that we will all live in the near future, when we can vibrate with the results obtained by our athletes in national and international competitions.
"Agradecimentos a todos los atletas, la confianza de los padres y de nuestros auspiciadores Callaway Golf, a Few Good Men y Steam Sauna, conjunto de colaboradores indicando que "una vez más, el trabajo conjunto de diversos sectores, que reman en la misma dirección para la promoción de un segmento deportivo, como el golf, que tantos beneficios trae a los niños y jovenes poniendo de manifiesto nuestra mision y sobradamente preparados para acoger este tipo de eventos".
Thanks to all the athletes, the trust of the parents and our sponsors: Callaway Golf, A Few Good Men and the Steam Sauna, a group of collaborators indicating that "once again, the joint work of various sectors, which remains in the same direction for the promotion of a sports segment, such as golf, which brings so many benefits to children and young people, manifesting our mission and being particularly prepared to host this type of events.
Renilson Ferreira
Press Coordinator